
Monday, October 31, 2011

東日本大震災:汚泥焼却灰問題 県と33市町村、国に対策を要望 /神奈川

東日本大震災:汚泥焼却灰問題 県と33市町村、国に対策を要望 /神奈川 県内の下水処理施設で放射性物質を含む汚泥焼却灰の保管場所確保が困難になっていることを受け、県と県内33市町村は1日、国に対策を求める緊急要望書を提出した。国の責任による最終処分場確保や、安全性確保の基準値を法令で定めること、汚泥焼却灰の仮置き費用を追加 ... 東日本大震災:汚泥焼却灰問題 県と33市町村、国に対策を要望 /神奈川

Brokeback strange people walking in the face of a person's Three Gorges Square Halloween?

Brokeback strange people walking in the face of a person's Three Gorges Square Halloween? October 28, in the Great Yu-line, a "Brokeback Shapingba Jingxian brother" of the post so that many users feel horror, a left arm seems to have broken and bloodied middle-aged man, his face was filled with Guaixiao. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed users post and American students in Chongqing, said the strange faces they were not deliberately frighten people, but should be in the West over Halloween. ...Brokeback strange people walking in the face of a person's Three Gorges Square Halloween?

Earnings downgrade sends OneSteel's shares to decade low

Earnings downgrade sends OneSteel's shares to decade low Fluctuations in the iron ore market continue to haunt OneSteel, with the company today warning its first-half earnings would be hurt by the recent decline in iron ore prices, sending OneSteel's shares tumbling to a decade low. ... Earnings downgrade sends OneSteel's shares to decade low

Wheat, corn and oat futures rise while soybean futures fall on the CBOT

Wheat, corn and oat futures rise while soybean futures fall on the CBOT CHICAGO — Grains futures traded mixed Tuesday on the Chicago Board of Trade. Wheat for December delivery rose 1.75 cent to $6.30 a bushel; December corn rose 7.25 cents to $6.5425 a bushel; December oats rose 0.50 cent to $3.35 a bushel; while January ... Wheat, corn and oat futures rise while soybean futures fall on the CBOT

Palestinian "culture of admission" success

Palestinian "culture of admission" success U.S. to UNESCO announced that it would stop funding, according to the Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on October 31 meeting held at the headquarters in Paris, France, approved by vote of the admission of Palestine to become a full member of the organization. This is a full member of the Palestinians to join the first ...Palestinian "culture of admission" success

Bank of America cancels plan for monthly debit card fee

Bank of America cancels plan for monthly debit card fee By Star-Ledger Editorial Board AP File Photo | CHUCK BURTONBank of America Bank of America has decided charging consumers a $5 monthly fee on debit card use isn't such a great idea after all. The bank was going to impose the fee next year. ... Bank of America cancels plan for monthly debit card fee

JP Morgan Chase: China short term or in a targeted manner to ease monetary policy

JP Morgan Chase: China short term or in a targeted manner to ease monetary policy JP Morgan Chase (JP Morgen) on Tuesday (November 1) released the latest report, China's October manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) fell a modest, indicating that China's industrial activity is still slowing down the track, the government will address the short term is expected to manner to ease monetary policy. When the first quarter of next year cut the deposit reserve ratio ...JP Morgan Chase: China short term or in a targeted manner to ease monetary policy

Tenn. gov: Curfew, arrests, necessary for safety

Tenn. gov: Curfew, arrests, necessary for safety By AP NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Gov. Bill Haslam says a curfew and the arrests of dozens of Occupy Nashville protesters was an attempt to make the grounds around the state Capitol safe. The Republican governor spoke with reporters on Tuesday, ... Tenn. gov: Curfew, arrests, necessary for safety

Japanese manufacturing has been hit by floods in Thailand

Japanese manufacturing has been hit by floods in Thailand People Tokyo November 1 (reporter Jia Wenting) since July, a large-scale persistent rainfall, causing floods in Thailand, have all been flooded several industrial parks, heavy capital investment in Thailand for the Japanese manufacturing industry, it is hit. Recently, major companies have reduced the expected results released, postponed sale ...Japanese manufacturing has been hit by floods in Thailand

苏宁电器:三季报营业收入增长24.54% 持续发展可期

苏宁电器:三季报营业收入增长24.54% 持续发展可期 2011年10月28日晚,苏宁电器股份有限公司(SZ.002024)发布2011年度三季度报告,公司1-9月实现营业总收入676.25亿元,比上年同期增长24.54%,其中主营业务收入同比增长24.85%。企业营业利润、利润总额、归属于母公司股东 ... 苏宁电器:三季报营业收入增长24.54% 持续发展可期

宝鑫盈贵金属:日本干预汇市 金银承压走低

宝鑫盈贵金属:日本干预汇市 金银承压走低 汇金网11月1日讯——昨日受日本央行干预汇市、导致美元快速上涨的影响,国际现货黄金出现一波快速跳水行情,大跌近40美元,此后不断扩大跌幅逼近1700美元关口。白银昨天跟随黄金下探。 基本面:日本政府10月31日上午出 ... 宝鑫盈贵金属:日本干预汇市 金银承压走低

The scale of foreign exchange intervention in Japan hit a record high of 10 trillion yen

The scale of foreign exchange intervention in Japan hit a record high of 10 trillion yen According to the "Asahi Shimbun" reported that Japan on Monday (October 31) the foreign exchange market intervention to suppress the size of the yen hit a 10 trillion yen (about $ 128 billion) a record high. The scale of intervention than August 4, the previous record high of 4.5 trillion yen record more than doubled. Repeatedly as the yen hit a record high against the dollar, the Japanese authorities that, regardless if the laissez-faire, the strong appreciation of the yen would hurt the ...The scale of foreign exchange intervention in Japan hit a record high of 10 trillion yen

Sunday, October 30, 2011


美研究称遭遇外星人绑架或为梦境(组图) 短短3天之内,参与实验的20名志愿者中便有7人在梦中看到外星人,例如小绿人或者7英尺(约合2.13米)的机器人。 北京时间10月31日消息,美国加利福尼亚州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员发现,只要让志愿者进入半梦半醒的状态 ... 美研究称遭遇外星人绑架或为梦境(组图)

一批经济领域新规今起施行 资源税按5%税率征收

一批经济领域新规今起施行 资源税按5%税率征收 中新网11月1日电(财经频道种卿) 从2011年11月1日起,一批经济领域里的法律法规将正式施行。包括备受关注的国家资源税改革,个体工商户条例的出台取消了人数和身份限制,以及国内航油价格下调至224元/吨等一批影响民 ... 一批经济领域新规今起施行 资源税按5%税率征收

Centos 5.7 installation instructions (text interface) (bottom)

Centos 5.7 installation instructions (text interface) (bottom) 12.2 Setting the network whether to boot. Part to see is to use IP IPv4 or IPv6, here will recommend the use of IPv4. 12.3 choose to use DHCP or manually. 12.5 This screen will be used to manually set the saw. Please enter the Gateway and DNS. 16.1 Select the packages to install. Can also be checked Customize software selection (custom software) if ...Centos 5.7 installation instructions (text interface) (bottom)

La trêve à Gaza fragilisée après de nouveaux tirs de roquettes

La trêve à Gaza fragilisée après de nouveaux tirs de roquettes La fragile trêve entre Israël et les groupes armés palestiniens, observée après la flambée de violence du week-end qui a fait 13 morts, 12 Palestiniens et un Israélien, était à nouveau menacée hier soir après de nouveaux tirs de roquettes à partir de ... La trêve à Gaza fragilisée après de nouveaux tirs de roquettes

Taiwanese children loves to play electric, watching TV, "four frog" change more!

Taiwanese children loves to play electric, watching TV, "four frog" change more! Dalin Tzu Chi General Hospital, said ophthalmologist Xuzheng Xian, Taiwan school children because of a long, close your eyes, a high proportion of low-grade in elementary school when myopia, especially in all kinds of video games, computers, TVs and other temptations, or schoolwork required reading, homework, and more heavy burden on children eyes. Xu Zhengxian MD, myopia prevention, the most basic methods of prevention is to improve eye habits, such as ...Taiwanese children loves to play electric, watching TV, "four frog" change more!


开启空间科学应用国际合作 新华社甘肃酒泉10月31日电 10月31日上午在酒泉卫星发射中心举行的新闻发布会上,中国载人航天工程新闻发言人武平表示,中国将继续推进国际航天合作。 武平介绍说,神舟八号飞船上装载了中德科学家联合开展空间生命科 ... 开启空间科学应用国际合作

Ortega Cano se recupera "satisfactoriamente" en la UCI tras ser operado

Ortega Cano se recupera "satisfactoriamente" en la UCI tras ser operado El torero José Ortega Cano, que ha sido sometido hoy a una intervención de reconstrucción de colon, se recupera ya "satisfactoriamente" en la UCI del Hospital Virgen de la Macarena de Sevilla, según ha indicado un miembro de su familia. ... Ortega Cano se recupera "satisfactoriamente" en la UCI tras ser operado

"Does not change the school district, childbirth chukhageum"

"Does not change the school district, childbirth chukhageum" Guangzhou is being held from October 1, the last four, including the borough's eastern boundary adjustment with respect to school districts, boroughs, authorities, such cooperation organizations, residents said 31 days it has agreed to minimize the inconvenience. First, regarding the district, located in East Dongcheon was brought to the West Middle School Godson District 3 District 4 has been replaced by ..."Does not change the school district, childbirth chukhageum"

Eurozóna měla nejvíce nezaměstnaných ve své historii

Eurozóna měla nejvíce nezaměstnaných ve své historii Lucemburk - Nezaměstnanost v zemích eurozóny byla v září nejvyšší od zavedení společné evropské měny. Celkem tu bylo bez práce 16 milionů osob. V pondělí o tom informoval evropský statistický úřad Eurostat. Míra nezaměstnanosti očištěná od sezónních ... Eurozóna měla nejvíce nezaměstnaných ve své historii

الهيئة العامة للاستثمار توقع اتفاقية مع بيرسون لدعم مبادرة الشباب الأكثر تنافسية

الهيئة العامة للاستثمار توقع اتفاقية مع بيرسون لدعم مبادرة الشباب الأكثر تنافسية وقعت الهيئة العامة للاستثمار اتفاقية شراكة مع شركة بيرسون لتكون شريك التنافسية والراعي لمبادرة الشباب .. الأكثر تنافسية في منتدى التنافسية الدولي 2012 . ويعد دعم المبادرة بمثابة منصة شراكة مثالية مع الهيئة العامة للاستثمار تساعد في دعم السعوديين الشباب ... الهيئة العامة للاستثمار توقع اتفاقية مع بيرسون لدعم مبادرة الشباب الأكثر تنافسية

The crime of counterfeit money several consecutive 22-month decline

The crime of counterfeit money several consecutive 22-month decline This year, public security organs continue to develop "hard work, cooperation, development, hard work" and "09 spirit", to "find time to crack down completely, effective control" as the basic goal, and always maintain the crackdown on counterfeit crime, high pressure, in-depth promoting the anti-counterfeiting work standardization, specialization, and the basis of normalization ...The crime of counterfeit money several consecutive 22-month decline

Gunma Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station of the bears peel off the bark movie success

Gunma Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station of the bears peel off the bark movie success Plantations in Gunma Prefecture, peel off the bark of the cedar in the teeth of a child and two dogs seen black bear behavior, biting the stem "peeling" in the movie, which was successful Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station. According to the same test site, peeling and rotting of wood leads to death, but the damage has been confirmed in the nation, was the first in the country shooting a movie called ...Gunma Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station of the bears peel off the bark movie success

Saturday, October 29, 2011

达艺控股权易手 今早复牌

达艺控股权易手 今早复牌 达艺控股(00997)公布,大股东以每股1.65元、即总代价约2.33亿元,向李伟斌持有的Wealth Keeper International Limited出售1.41亿股,占已发行股本70.53%,李氏同时向其它小股东提出全面收购。股份要约价1.65元,较该股 ... 达艺控股权易手 今早复牌


国内 日前,历经五个多月,省、市、县层层举办的山东省首届全民健身运动会,比赛项目已全部结束。首届全民健身运动会省市县三级比赛项次超过1500次,直接参与各类比赛的群众人数达到100多万,影响和带动健身人群超过千万。这 ... 国内

Jia Qinglin Meets with Speaker of the Parliament Shi Tamu Bavaria, Germany

Jia Qinglin Meets with Speaker of the Parliament Shi Tamu Bavaria, Germany Local 30, CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin met in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Assembly Speaker Shi Tamu. Jia said that China attaches importance to relations with Germany, as Germany is an important strategic partner. In recent years, frequent contact with leaders of both sides, increasing political mutual trust. ...Jia Qinglin Meets with Speaker of the Parliament Shi Tamu Bavaria, Germany

诚心为入门玩家服务 航嘉暗夜C1机箱

诚心为入门玩家服务 航嘉暗夜C1机箱 泡泡网机箱频道10月31日 航嘉机箱推出的暗夜C1定位于入门级玩家,仅仅249元的报价,使得这款机箱的性价比达到了一个前所未有的高度。而35CM超长显卡位更是这一机箱的亮点。 这款机箱前面板采用了大面积网孔,这对于辅 ... 诚心为入门玩家服务 航嘉暗夜C1机箱

Tidig vinter i nordöstra USA

Tidig vinter i nordöstra USA I flera delstater - Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut - hade enstaka väderrelaterade dödsfall rapporterats på söndagen. Men samhällsstörningarna blev stora. Omkring två miljoner amerikaner blev av med strömmen medan snötäcket växte upp till 30 ... Tidig vinter i nordöstra USA


Domestic Profile picture: October 26, the ship arrived at the launch tower rocket combination. Implementation of China's first space rendezvous and docking mission of Shenzhou VIII spacecraft, the Long March II F carrier rocket away eight, the morning after nearly two hours of the vertical transport, smooth at the launch area, shuttle launch countdown. ...Domestic

Way to保守保守to the保守

Way to保守保守to the保守 When my son turned on the TV side channel program is primarily entertainment. Look at the liberal reporters nagging episodes and we were in him shall offend. My wife, aged make it to the reporter'll be just had tea is neunyago bruises. Not long ago a reporter from the newspaper in the words of my wife ...Way to保守保守to the保守


国务院部署经济工作 国务院总理温家宝29日主持召开国务院常务会议,分析当前经济形势,部署近期经济工作。会议指出,做好今冬明春的各项工作,对于全面完成今年经济工作任务,为明年发展打下好的基础具有重要意义。今后几个月要重点做好以 ... 国务院部署经济工作

29일, 무등산 정상에 3만여명 몰려

29일, 무등산 정상에 3만여명 몰려 (광주=뉴스와이어) 2011년 10월 30일 -- 지난 5월에 이어 두 번째 개방된 무등산 정상에 3만여명의 시민이 몰렸다. 광주시는 지난 29일 오전 9시부터 오후 4시까지 무등산 정상인 해발 1187m의 천왕봉 아래 지왕봉과 인왕봉 주변을 시민에게 개방했다. ... 29일, 무등산 정상에 3만여명 몰려

115 Anniversary of Southwest Jiaotong University, ran the fastest moving vehicles laboratory

115 Anniversary of Southwest Jiaotong University, ran the fastest moving vehicles laboratory Yesterday, Southwest Jiaotong University 115 Anniversary Conference held numerous academic dean and alumni gathered in traffic Southwest Jiaotong University, academic forums, etc. with the school to celebrate 115 birthday. At the same time, Metro Laboratory of Southwest Jiaotong University was officially opened, marking the world's highest speed EMU run the experiment platform was officially opened, while another State Key Laboratory of school land transport ─ ─ prevention of geological disasters ...115 Anniversary of Southwest Jiaotong University, ran the fastest moving vehicles laboratory

法航乘务员开始罢工 两成航班被迫取消

法航乘务员开始罢工 两成航班被迫取消 新华网巴黎10月29日电 法国航空公司乘务人员因不满工作条件与环境于29日开始为期5天的罢工。法航当晚发表公报说,法航当天在戴高乐机场和奥利机场共安排有约1000次航班,其中有约200次航班受罢工影响被迫取消。 据法 ... 法航乘务员开始罢工 两成航班被迫取消

The EU is still not found the key to avoid the collapse of the euro

The EU is still not found the key to avoid the collapse of the euro Strange Bedfellows in the EU and the euro yesterday morning to resolve the debt crisis has finally reached a package agreement. However, fate has come to a crossroads in the eurozone, even if it reached the Greek Road "gate of hell," nor does it mean to find the key to avoid the collapse of the euro. Europe is clearly for the upcoming high hopes for this year's G20 summit. View the second EU Summit outcome, ...The EU is still not found the key to avoid the collapse of the euro

Friday, October 28, 2011

EU reconoce el 'éxito impresionante' de la Marina en la lucha antinarco

EU reconoce el 'éxito impresionante' de la Marina en la lucha antinarco En una reunión, el embajador de Estados Unidos reconoció el trabajo del secretario de Marina mexicano. MÉXICO – En una reunión, el embajador de Estados Unidos reconoció el trabajo del secretario de Marina mexicano, por el "impresionante éxito" de esa ... EU reconoce el 'éxito impresionante' de la Marina en la lucha antinarco

Vroege sneeuwstorm in noordoosten VS verstoort vliegverkeer

Vroege sneeuwstorm in noordoosten VS verstoort vliegverkeer New Brunswick, New Jersey. © ap HLN update Een zeldzaam vroege sneeuwstorm teistert het dichtbevolkte noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten. Op sommige plaatsen wordt 30 centimeter sneeuw verwacht, wat een record zou zijn voor deze tijd van het jaar. ... Vroege sneeuwstorm in noordoosten VS verstoort vliegverkeer

"No less than three generations of college students' policy is unfair and inefficient loss

"No less than three generations of college students' policy is unfair and inefficient loss October 28, Renmin University of China announced the school's own admissions policy: in 2012 an independent enrollment in entrance examination practice "through-train school principals plan" and "Dream program." "Dream Scheme" usually requires candidates to be recommended where the school performance ranking of the top 10%, and the family within three generations of college students ... no"No less than three generations of college students' policy is unfair and inefficient loss

Der Westen Bangkoks steht unter Wasser

Der Westen Bangkoks steht unter Wasser Bangkok - Das Hochwasser in Bangkok hat am Samstag weitere Stadtbezirke erfasst und Siedlungen entlang des Flusses Chao Phraya bis zu einem Meter überschwemmt. Der für den Abend angekündigte Scheitel des Hochwassers passierte die Region aber zunächst ... Der Westen Bangkoks steht unter Wasser


SERRAVALLE: TABACCI, OFFERTA F21 BASE SU CUI LANCIARE NUOVA GARA (AGI) - Milano, 29 ott. - L'offerta ricevuta dal fondo di investimento F2i per rilevare le quote detenute dal comune di Milano in Sea e Serravalle costituisce "una base di riferimento" su cui si potra' lanciare una nuova gara pubblica. ... SERRAVALLE: TABACCI, OFFERTA F21 BASE SU CUI LANCIARE NUOVA GARA

Dachang futures - a small quiet ((see Air China market? Analyst: Prepare the revelation it))

Dachang futures - a small quiet ((see Air China market? Analyst: Prepare the revelation it)) Over the past few months, the global financial market situation in Europe is almost absorbed, but also quietly appeared on the screen in mainland China's economy may fall warning. During this period, the global part of the market continued to rise, but has chosen to Shanghai and Hong Kong stock market fell, because of its impressive economic growth seems to have no longer. Because nearly half of assets, bet on the Asian, Biggs admitted that burden here. ...Dachang futures - a small quiet ((see Air China market? Analyst: Prepare the revelation it))

الولايات المتحدة تعتزم بيع تركيا مروحيات هجومية

الولايات المتحدة تعتزم بيع تركيا مروحيات هجومية اعلن البنتاغون الجمعة ان الولايات المتحدة تعتزم بيع تركيا ثلاث مروحيات هجومية من طراز "ايه اتش-1 سوبر كوبرا" في صفقة تصل قيمتها الى 111 مليون دولار، وذلك بعدما انهت انقرة هجوما واسع النطاق على الانفصاليين الاكراد. وابلغ البنتاغون الكونغرس بهذه الصفقة ... الولايات المتحدة تعتزم بيع تركيا مروحيات هجومية

Return on Equity Fund geupbandeung week at home and abroad

Return on Equity Fund geupbandeung week at home and abroad Alleviate concerns about the financial crisis in Europe became a rebound in domestic yields Equity Fund has succeeded in weeks. According to the Fund equal to zero before the 29th Assessor Domestic General Equity Fund is based on AM one week produced a return of 6.11%. Last funds collapsed, the stock portion tate Kospi same period.Return on Equity Fund geupbandeung week at home and abroad


泰国日企员工或可赴日开工 日本政府打算批准受泰国洪水波及日资企业的泰国员工短期赴日工作,但前提是雇主企业必须确保这些工人按期离境。 日本内阁官房长官藤村修28日在新闻发布会上说,为最小化停产对日本制造出口业所产生影响,应受洪水波 ... 泰国日企员工或可赴日开工


毕晓哲:需要给食盐涨价 日前,贵阳市周先生称,他最近发现,市场上1块钱一包的300克碘盐没有了,只有1块5一包350克的盐。换个包装,只多了50克,就涨价5毛钱。我就想问问,像食盐这种民生商品,涨价难道不需要先开听证会吗?(10月27日黔中早报 ... 毕晓哲:需要给食盐涨价"立个章法"

Pregnant for seven years car "three guarantees" give birth dystocia

Pregnant for seven years car "three guarantees" give birth dystocia After repeated calls, pause 7-year-old car, "three" is still "still holds partly concealed." October 26, AQSIQ on the "family car product repair, replacement, return the liability (draft)" referred to as car "three guarantees" held a legislative hearing. This is the first time in seven years, AQSIQ again ...Pregnant for seven years car "three guarantees" give birth dystocia


纽约自由女神像迎来125岁生日 新华网纽约10月28日电(记者荣娇娇 张英骜)纽约市28日举行盛大仪式,庆祝自由女神像落成125周年。安装在自由女神手举火炬上的5台网络摄像机也同时打开,全世界网友从此可以实时观看纽约港口的风光。 这5台网络摄像机 ... 纽约自由女神像迎来125岁生日

Thursday, October 27, 2011

NASA Launches New Satellite to Monitor Weather, Climate Change

NASA Launches New Satellite to Monitor Weather, Climate Change VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — After a years-long delay, an Earth-observing satellite blasted into space early Friday on a dual mission to improve weather forecasts and monitor climate change. A Delta 2 rocket carrying the NASA satellite lifted ... NASA Launches New Satellite to Monitor Weather, Climate Change

Mourinho supports 12 open Severin PRESIDENT: He is the best in the world

Mourinho supports 12 open Severin PRESIDENT: He is the best in the world NEW YORK, October 30 Sunday 4:00 am sharp, Real Madrid (microblogging data) will go away to Real Sociedad. Before the game, Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho told a news conference expressed support for the start of the game to 12 points, while Kaka will return to Brazil for the love of the national team, Mourinho also said this ...Mourinho supports 12 open Severin PRESIDENT: He is the best in the world

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