
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shanghai GM, SAIC transfer 1% of equity countdown

Shanghai GM, SAIC transfer 1% of equity countdown Shanghai Automotive (600104) announced that the board of directors approved the company's joint venture with GM China set up "Shanghai General Motors Ltd.", the registered capital of 49 million, of which Shanghai Automotive invested $ 24,990,000 in cash, more than 51% of total shares. The joint venture will enable Shanghai Automotive in Shanghai ...Shanghai GM, SAIC transfer 1% of equity countdown


伊拉克首都发生两起爆炸致12人死亡 新华网巴格达10月27日电(记者张宁 王宏彬)伊拉克内政部官员27日说,伊拉克首都巴格达当晚发生两起爆炸,目前至少导致12人死亡,另外45人受伤。 这名不愿公开姓名的内政部官员接受新华社记者采访时说,爆炸发生地点位 ... 伊拉克首都发生两起爆炸致12人死亡

Detienen por cuarta ocasión a ladrón en Edomex

Detienen por cuarta ocasión a ladrón en Edomex Capulhuac, Méx.- Por cuarta ocasión, Javier Torres Bobadilla pisó las instalaciones Ministeriales, pues la madrugada de hoy, elementos de la Policía Municipal lo capturaron "con las manos en la masa", cuando pretendía robarse un automóvil compacto en ... Detienen por cuarta ocasión a ladrón en Edomex

Merkel, Sarkozy press conference mocked Berlusconi accused of misconduct (map)

Merkel, Sarkozy press conference mocked Berlusconi accused of misconduct (map) International Online Zhuangao: According to Australia's "Daily Telegraph" reported that, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) and French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Sarkozy) accused the reporter conference "ridicule" Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi ( SILVIO Berlusconi) unable to resolve debt problems, ...Merkel, Sarkozy press conference mocked Berlusconi accused of misconduct (map)

ONU aprueba retiro de tropas internacionales del territorio libio

ONU aprueba retiro de tropas internacionales del territorio libio Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, oct. 27 (ANDINA). El Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) resolvió hoy que la intervención militar de la Organización del Tratado Atlántico Norte (OTAN) en Libia terminará el próximo 31 de octubre a las 23.59 ... ONU aprueba retiro de tropas internacionales del territorio libio

[Seoul Mayor Soon Park] free meals a larger top ... Oh Se-hoon Hangang Renaissance "olseutop '

[Seoul Mayor Soon Park] free meals a larger top ... Oh Se-hoon Hangang Renaissance "olseutop ' Soon Park as Seoul mayor as mayor, the first task as free meals to determine funding, including former mayor Oh Se-hoon 'GNP market correction of 10 years' operation is that the kick was earnest. Various welfare policies of the night market is expected to be too specific. What is just two short years and eight months and the remaining term.[Seoul Mayor Soon Park] free meals a larger top ... Oh Se-hoon Hangang Renaissance "olseutop '

帮您寻医 绒毛穿刺法做性别鉴定可致胎儿畸形

帮您寻医 绒毛穿刺法做性别鉴定可致胎儿畸形 辽宁省鞍山市一名怀孕四个半月的孕妇不久前在进行孕检时,发现腹中胎儿发育异常。而造成胎儿畸形的原因,竟然是孕妇在怀孕初期,为确定腹中胎儿是男是女,做绒毛穿刺造成的。此事发生后,一些准备或已经做了绒毛穿刺的 ... 帮您寻医 绒毛穿刺法做性别鉴定可致胎儿畸形

El Caliente luce lleno para el Xolos-Jaguares

El Caliente luce lleno para el Xolos-Jaguares Haber logrado su primer triunfo en el Estadio Caliente desde que ascendieron a la Primera División del futbol mexicano tiene motivados a los Xoloitzcuintles del Club Tijuana ya la afición que se ha encargado de llenar cada quince días el recinto de los ... El Caliente luce lleno para el Xolos-Jaguares

Shirahama, Baby Penguin Publishing

Shirahama, Baby Penguin Publishing Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, leisure facilities, "Adventure World" 27, and began publishing the baby born in zoo emperor penguins. The birth of emperor penguins end up in six said that the garden was a total of 13 wings. According to the zoo, now 27, weight 350 grams, about 15 centimeters long. ...Shirahama, Baby Penguin Publishing


"爱心涌动星光夜"公益晚会昨在文化公园上演 (记者 熊佳焰 通讯员 利雪标 陈敏 丘丽萍)昨晚,下降的气温挡不住文化公园"星光夜"爱心涌动的阵阵温暖。由广州电台和市残联联合举办的"爱心涌动星光夜"公益晚会上,广州市肢残人协会轮椅艺术团献上了各种精彩的歌舞 ... "爱心涌动星光夜"公益晚会昨在文化公园上演

Different types of cross-infection rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever death

Different types of cross-infection rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever death Fatal dengue hemorrhagic fever is high, since the beginning of summer statistics, has led to three deaths. Department of Health, CDC said, has also emerged as the local type of the virus in different clusters, if previously too dengue fever, dengue fever re-infection of different types, it is likely there will be symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever, fatality rate will be high. According to statistics, since the summer of this year, a total of four hundred fifty-seven cases of dengue fever ...Different types of cross-infection rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever death

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