
Monday, October 24, 2011

Eko krog z ovadbami še nad ZZV Maribor

Eko krog z ovadbami še nad ZZV Maribor Zagorje ob Savi - Eko krog je zaradi suma nevestnega dela in prirejanja podatkov o izmerjenih izpustih v Lafargeu cementu kazensko ovadil Emila Žerjala, predstojnika inštituta za varstvo okolja na Zavodu za zdravstveno varstvo (ZZV) Maribor, ... Eko krog z ovadbami še nad ZZV Maribor

China's building materials will be completed ahead of 300 million tons of cement production target

China's building materials will be completed ahead of 300 million tons of cement production target Song Zhiping, chairman of China Building Materials Group 25 in the "China Building Materials at Harvard Business School case conference," said, "Twelve Five-Year" period, China's building materials business development goal is to cement production capacity of 300 million tons, the overall goal is to cement the future production capacity of the national total capacity of 25% -30%. In this regard, President of China Building Materials CAO Jiang-Lin said ...China's building materials will be completed ahead of 300 million tons of cement production target

US joins India, China in opposing emission binding targets by 2015

US joins India, China in opposing emission binding targets by 2015 NEW DELHI: A unique alliance of countries - India, China, Brazil, the US, UAE, Indonesia and South Korea -- has come about against the EU proposal to impose internationally binding targets to reduce emissions for developed and developing countries ... US joins India, China in opposing emission binding targets by 2015

武汉业主买房后担心降价 假扮购房者潜伏探涨

武汉业主买房后担心降价 假扮购房者潜伏探涨 本报讯 (记者 马振华) 买房前,希望房价跌;买了房,就怕房价跌,这是当前购房者普遍心理。特别是在当前房价走势不明情况下,不少刚买房的新业主担心"买了后房价就跌"。记者昨日从多个楼盘了解到,有新买了房的业主扮购 ... 武汉业主买房后担心降价 假扮购房者潜伏探涨

Chancellor and President of Hong Kong decided not to continue serving

Chancellor and President of Hong Kong decided not to continue serving HONG KONG, October 25 (Reporter Yin Shichang) Hong Kong University Council meeting today, members of Chancellor and President, professors have learned that the decision on August 31 next year after the expiry of leave, no longer continue to serve. The Council at its next meeting to discuss the next president of the selection and transfer arrangements. ...Chancellor and President of Hong Kong decided not to continue serving

7 security agents dead in Syria convoy attack: watchdog

7 security agents dead in Syria convoy attack: watchdog PTI | 07:10 PM,Oct 25,2011 Nicosia, Oct 25 (AFP) Seven security agents were killed in an attack on their road convoy in northwest Syria today, apparently carried out by army deserters, a rights group said. "Armed men, suspected deserters, ... 7 security agents dead in Syria convoy attack: watchdog

'İki devlet, bir millet'in hediyesi Star Rafinerisi oldu

'İki devlet, bir millet'in hediyesi Star Rafinerisi oldu Türkiye özel sektör tarihinin tek noktaya yapılmış en büyük yatırımının temeli, İzmir'in Aliağa ilçesinde atıldı. Petkim sahasına yapılan Socar&Turcas'ın 5 milyar dolarlık yatırımı olan Star Rafinerisi'nin temeline ilk harcı, Başbakan Recep Tayyip ... 'İki devlet, bir millet'in hediyesi Star Rafinerisi oldu

Online credit information, bank account, notify law enforcement agencies illegal trafficking 116 companies

Online credit information, bank account, notify law enforcement agencies illegal trafficking 116 companies Personal credit information and bank account illegally on the Internet has caught the sagopan contractor. Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Internet advertising focused on the personal credit information, surveyed 65 companies suspected of illegal trading and bank book of alleged illegal sale of 51 companies disclosed the investigation, said authorities notified 25 ...Online credit information, bank account, notify law enforcement agencies illegal trafficking 116 companies


少女深夜只身到酒吧赴约遭4名男子猥亵 羊城晚报讯 记者郑旭森、通讯员彭亚报道:少女深夜只身到酒吧赴约,被四名男子强行带至僻静林间,并遭强行猥亵。近日,从化市人民检察院依法以涉嫌强奸罪起诉案中四名男子。 2009年9月17日凌晨,少女小雨来到派出所报案 ... 少女深夜只身到酒吧赴约遭4名男子猥亵

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